"... At home and abroad, the United States has been, for over 50 years a strong voice in the fight against torture. Simultaneously, however, the CIA's method has become so widely accepted that US interrogators seem unaware that they are, in fact, engaged in systematic torture. From 1970 to 1988, Congress held hearings four times to expose the CIA's use of torture. But each time, the public did not demand reform and the practice persisted. ..."
"The Long Shadow of CIA Torture Research", by Alfred W. McCoy (E) at Counterpunch.
Ein Statement zum Wandel der Foltertechniken in Geheimdienstkreisen (E) hin zur "berührungslosen" psychologischen Folter, Persönlichkeitsspaltung und anderen Effekten, wie bereits ausführlich beschrieben von und bei Hans Ullrich Gresch.
simons, 10.10.2005, Topic 5.. Folter, Torture -