[via LAWgical]
Summary: Link to a German translation of Marcia Pally - "Vote Early and Often" (E); earlier: blat.antville: Simon's Blawg: "No Confidence Vote.
simons, 23.12.2003, Topic 1. Freiheitsrechte, Civil Liberties -
[via LAWgical]
Summary: Link to a German translation of Marcia Pally - "Vote Early and Often" (E); earlier: blat.antville: Simon's Blawg: "No Confidence Vote.
Das Volkszählungsurteil (BVerfGE 65, 1) (Wiederholungspost)
Gustl Mollath
Harry Wörz - die Odyssee bis zum rechtskräftigen Freispruch
Unintended Consequences of DMCA ...