"Its truly ironic that just as Americans are trying to find ways out of the nightmare created by the DMCA, Europeans are passing even more extreme measures to outlaw even more legitimate consumer activity. ..."

"Circumvention Prohibitions Reconsidered: Why America’s Mistake is Europe’s Future", by Robin D. Gross, Esq., IP Justice.

Über Fehler des DMCA und die noch weitergehenden Einschränkungen der Europäischen Urheberrichtlinie.


DMCA-Strafverfolgung mit neuen Methoden ...

Summary: Link to a report about rerouting of domains by the U.S. DOJ in case of DMCA-violation.


<a href="www.eff.org"target="_blank">John Perry Barlow, Mitbegründer der <a href="www.eff.org"target="_blank">Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) und ehemaliger Texter der Gruppe Grateful Dead, spricht <a href="www.politik-digital.de"target="_blank">im Interview mit politik-digital.de darüber.

Summary: Interview with John P. Barlow, one of the founder of EFF, about the mistakes of DMCA (in German).