Build Your Dream or Buy BMW:
"BYD Auto is an automobile manufacturer based in Shenzhen, Guangdong in the People's Republic of China. BYD AUTO is a subsidiary of BYD Company Ltd., which is a listed company in Hong Kong Stock Exchange. BYD Company Ltd. made its debut from less than 30 people in 1995 and became the second largest rechargeable battery producer in the world in 2003. In the same year, BYD Company Ltd. started to set foot in the automotive industry by purchasing the Tsinchuan Automobile Company, which is the basis of BYD AUTO Company (Ltd). Now, BYD Company Ltd. owns more than 40,000 staff members all over the world with its market value over HKD 15 Billion. ...".
Some Impressions (further Links in the comments there) and the brand - more: BYD Home (at the moment in "slow motion").
simons, 29.12.2006, Topic 4.. Marken, Trademarks -
Zur Pressemeldung des Bundesgerichtshofs.
Das entspricht dem gesunden Menschenverstand.
simons, 28.04.2006, Topic 4.. Marken, Trademarks -
"Im Rechtsstreit zwischen Google und dem Autoversicherer Geico kam es gestern zu einer überraschenden Wendung. Ein US-Bundesgericht wies den wichtigsten Klagepunkt ab. Die Verwendung von fremden Markenbegriffen als Trigger für Adwords-Anzeigen stellt demnach keine Markenverletzung dar."
simons, 17.12.2004, Topic 4.. Marken, Trademarks -